WAS...A Love Out of Time
a Blovel by Skye Lane

Based on Actual Past Life Regressions

Blovel / Web Novel / Web Fiction / EBook (coming soon)

St. Germain on the subject of Twin Souls:

Here are some answers and thoughts by St. Germain that address the subject of twin souls:
Q. Are twin flames more like a companion of the soul?
A. It is an identical resonance reverberation of the same frequency within the different (male-female) bodies  of energy.
"Within your male soul mate energy essence, there abides a certain frequency that is indeed identical to the same frequency found in the female soul mate energy essence. ...there are identical frequencies existing in the opposite bodies of energy , and these you call twin flames."

"Now, experiencing consciousness within yourself, loving unconditionally that which you are as you exist and abide in your reality at this point in time, creates the resonance within your being that attracts the identical essence within the opposite body of soul energy. It calls it forth and merges with your energy and you with it."
More than likely you and your other half have come together in previous lives and may have already touched at some point during this life time... but if one or both of you were not ready when it happened the experience will have been very intense and electrifying but short-lived.
What's the most important starting point for a twin soul reunion? How do we prepare ourselves for it? It begins with the desire to love yourself and others without any conditions attached and without judgements. Although desire is the starting point, it is not enough. One has to live it... day in and day out as best as possible. Even though our efforts to "live it" may not at the Master level, we need to be well on our way towards doing so or the relationship will suffer. In short, unconditional love is the magical ingredient for building a twin relationship and making it work (this also applies to other relationships we may have).
If two twins are to reunite and then have a meaningful  partnership both have to be spiritually ready for it. At that point the Universe will create the special forces necessary to bring them together for another moment in time. However, the search for the other must always begin as a search within each of the twins themselves first before lasting reunion is possible. Each has to discover his or her own individual spiritual nature and potential... and then do their best to live it on a daily basis.
There are no dependencies in a twin soul relationship because the "sense of self" has been developed quite well within each of the partners. To reach that point, a certain degree of internal balance and happiness must first be nurtured and achieved. Then, during reunion, the essence of one simply flows into the essence of the other to create the completeness. There is no effort involved.
It is also impossible for twin souls to remain separated on any kind of permanent basis. When in relationship, they will continue to have have conflicts. However, they will be driven to resolve these conflicts (and any past karma) as quickly as possible. Nothing is left unsaid. Nothing is left to chance. Assumptions never enter their minds. All is out in the open. Neither sits, pouts and wonders who will make the first move at "making up." There are no games. There is no pretending. There is no deception. There is no fear of reprisal because unconditional love is the foundation upon which their relationship has been built. In essence, they can just be themselves. And as each conflict resolves, the bond of love between them takes on renewed meaning and strength. What incredible freedom! Such is the nature of this very divine and profound union.

For more about Twin Souls and an excellent technique on activating the Laws of Attraction and attracting your Twin Soul  visit:  The Cosmic Connection Technique
(c) Skye Lane 2010
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