WAS...A Love Out of Time
a Blovel by Skye Lane

Based on Actual Past Life Regressions

Blovel / Web Novel / Web Fiction / EBook (coming soon)

Twin Soul Relationships

When each of us separated into our male and female halves long ago, the soul knew (and still knows) that the rejoining of its incomplete self would inevitably take place... it was part of the divine plan.
After that agonizing and painful division took place a deep seated yearning for oneness began to linger within each of us and the desire for reunion and  completeness has endured over the ages. Only one other in all the universe can satisfy it. As a result, we are constantly searching for our twin. But the desire for completion doesn't stop there... and the soul also realizes this. What the soul really wants is not only reunion with itself but the original feeling of oneness it had with its Source in the very beginning. This craving for the "First Intimacy" will not stop until it is fully satisfied. We have as long as we want to make it happen... but it will happen.
It would seem that this desire for oneness must be the foundation upon which all relationships are built. Male-female unions have come into being and have fallen apart for thousands of years. However, if a deep, spiritual union with our Source can be established and maintained, the chances for lasting joy and fulfillment becomes more and more of a possibility. It also seems to make more sense that our relationships should be based upon spiritual principals rather than man made religious dogmas which can bring so much fear and guilt into people's lives.
Plato is not the only individual who has given us insights into twin soul relationships. Spiritual writings from the Sufis 800 years ago say that...
"Out of the original unity of being there is a fragmentation and dispersal of beings, the last stage being the splitting  of one soul into two. And consequently, love is the search by each half for the other half on earth or in heaven...
As twin souls are so alike to begin with, it seems necessary for them to go their separate ways before they can complete each other. Identity and complementarity are the two driving forces and axes of love... For the complete being there must be a blending of the two."
Even Edgar Cayce, the wonderful "sleeping prophet," spoke about soul mates (twin souls). He explained how in the beginning the "male and female were as in one." In his historical description of Atlantis, Cayce says that as long as several hundred thousands of years ago ... "there lived in this land of Atlantis one Amillius, who had first noted the separations of the beings as inhabited that portion of the earth's sphere or plane of these peoples, into male and female as separate entities or individuals."
All of the information described above suggests that the division which resulted in the formation of two, twin soul halves occurred when we originally entered the Earth's 3-dimensional environment at some point in the distant past to "experience and feel" at this level of reality. Since that time we've apparently lost our way in this material world and are trying remember who we really are. When we do, our adventure within the universe can continue where it left off ages go.
When we finally " wake up" and begin the journey Home to our Source, no longer needing experiences and feelings at the Earth's level of existence, corresponding twins will reunite once again. Male and female essence will blend into in one form, perfectly balanced, totally spiritual, with  unconditional love for themselves and others. From that point forward they will remain as one for eternity as they coalesce with other reunited twins to recreate the soul groups they separated from a long time ago. Ultimately, all of us will reunite as the "original One."
For more about Twin Souls and an excellent technique on activating the Laws of Attraction and attracting your Twin Soul  visit:  The Cosmic Connection Technique
(c) Skye Lane 2010
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